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Most people think that the only time they need to focus on the landscaping around their home is during the summer when they want to enjoy their backyard. But the truth is, your landscaping can have a big impact on your home’s curb appeal all year round – and that’s important because first impressions matter.

According to the National Association of Realtors, nearly half of all home buyers say that curb appeal is one of the most important factors in their decision to buy a home. So, if you’re thinking about selling your home, or you just want to make sure it looks its best, here are some things you can do to improve your curb appeal with landscaping.

If you want to add some color to your yard, then flowers are a great way to do it. You can either get annuals or perennials depending on how much work you want to put into maintaining them. Annuals will need to be replanted every year, but they provide a wide variety of color options. Perennials come back year after year and often only need to be trimmed back in the fall. Either way, adding some flowers to your landscaping is a great way to increase curb appeal.

Finally, consider adding some features such as a water fountain or a birdbath. These elements can add interest and life to your landscaping. They also provide a place for local wildlife such as birds and squirrels to congregate which can also add appeal to passersby who enjoy seeing animals in their natural habitat.

Choose the Right Plants

One of the most important things you can do to improve your curb appeal is to choose plants that are attractive and low maintenance. You don’t want to spend all your time and money on keeping up with your landscaping, so pick plants that are drought tolerant and don’t require a lot of pruning. Succulents are a great option because they come in a wide variety of colors and shapes, they don’t need much water, and they’re relatively low maintenance. Another option is native plants because they’re already acclimated to your local climate and soil conditions, so they require less water and fertilizer.

Create an Inviting Front Walkway

Your front walkway is one of the first things visitors will see when they come to your home, so it’s important to make sure it’s inviting. Start by making sure the path is clear and wide enough for people to comfortably walk on without having to step into the grass. Then, add some interest by using pavers or stone slabs instead of concrete. And finally, don’t forget to add some color with flowers or other plantings on either side of the walkway.

Frame Your Front Door

Another way to create an inviting entryway is to frame your front door with flowering plants or shrubs. This will add some color and life to what is probably a fairly plain area. Avoid putting plants too close to the door itself so that people can still easily get in and out without having to move them out of the way.

With a little bit of planning and effort, you can easily improve your home’s curb appeal with landscaping. By choosing the right plants, creating an inviting front walkway, and framing your front door with greenery, you can make a big impact with a few small changes. And remember, first impressions matter – so take pride in your home’s appearance all year round!

Take the Next Step and Grab a time with Us so We can Help Take This Off of Your Plate!

With over 30+ years in the landscaping industry, we're not here to do "pretty things", but to help you create a beautiful and FUNCTIONAL landscaping for your home. We operate from a "value-add" perspective to help increase your home's equity, curb appeal, and cosmetic appeal so you can have an enjoyable home with a gorgeous touch to it.


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With over 30+ years experience, we specialize and focus in the following areas with our own team and partner network to make sure you have the right team to accomplish your project goals. We have been on the ground in North Alabama for over 50+ years so our relationships run deep and we have the right people on speed dial who will finish the job, call you back and operate within your budget. 


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